Friday, August 14, 2009

8: Le Kua Simi

Written by mrbrown, "Le Kua Simi" is a hilarious parody of the NDP song "What do you see?"

More importantly for ACSClass55, mrbrown is an ACS Old Boy!

View it at Youtube and enjoy.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

7: Churi Ayam

Recognize the scout? A churi ayam from the ACS 11th Troop! Yes, it's Suan Juat, to be sure!

He produced this 5-decade old photo for me to capture on my handphone.

And he said." See my badges!"

Badges? Must ask another churi ayam Keok Meng to verify the authenticity of the badges.

6: Justifiable Anger

1: From a KES email commenting on a reportedly hefty fine of $130 for dropping a passenger at a bus stop:
"That's a stupid bureaucratic rule! How else can someone drop someone for him/her to take PUBLIC transport?"

2: From OKA on Twitter re a PC virus attack:
"Cursing the twit who sneaked a prankster virus into my PC disabling my CDRom drive, thumbdrive and other removable drives. May his harddisk crash!"