5 ACSians55 met for a fellowship lunch @ Plaza Singapura on Mon 23 Oct 2011. They noted sadly that Philip Ng Fook Wah had pased away recently. As Tay Peng Siang announced his 75th birthday today, having been born on 23 Oct 1936, we wished him "Many Happy Returns of the Day". Present were Philip Ong, Kim Chye, Peng Siang, Chee Keng and Kian Ann.
The lunch was held @ Shashlik Restaurant in FE Shopping Centre on Mon 1 Aug 2011. Seventeen ACSian classmates turned up and had an excellent time reminiscing and talking about their pet subjects. More fotos are available on Facebook. >>>
Fourteen people attended the lunch of TeoChewMoey at the Crystal Cafe, Orchard Grand Hotel in Killiney Road. More photos are available on Facebook @ ACS Class Fifty-five >>>
Philip Ong rang to say that ACSian55 Tan Yee Cheow passed away last Sat after a heart attack. Today being Thu and 5 days after the event, the last offices must have been over. May Yee Cheow rest in peace. Condolences to the family.
Ong Swee Ming (aka Philip) rang to say the next ACS Class of 55 lunch will be held at Raflles City. Day/Date/Time:Tues/18 Jan/1200h For more details, please contact him on his handphone.
My grandson Ryan began taking drum lessons after my son bought him a drum set for his birthday in 2006. Ryan was then in Pri 4 in ACS Jr. Then in ACS BR Sec 1 in 2010, he was awarded a Distinction in Concert Band. Today, I created this video to encourage him on. It can be viewed here >>>.